The Conclusion of a Dialogue Advanced Training Course Under The Supervision of The Libyan Program for Reintegration and Development.

Written by Hassan Albakoosh
In Tunis was the disclosure of an advanced training course in dialogue and reconciliation under the supervision of the Libyan program for reintegration and development (LPRD), and in collaboration with the United Nations’ organizations.

Twenty three trainees came from different cities attended lectures on how to analyze the causes of conflict and the consolidation of the language of dialogue to overcome the language of arms.
Mr. “Thaer kareem” is an Iraqi trainer and an expert in facilitation , dialogue and mediation also a former political adviser for the United Nations who participated in giving some lectures, said that these courses play an important role in raising cultural awareness and democratic dialogue among people praising the capabilities of Libyan youth.
Tawergha was present in this session through one of its youth by “Imad Eddin Regiaa” who said that they have learned in this course the way of dialogue and how to give priority to the language of dialogue.
“Seraj Aldeen Salem” from Benghazi, said that he greatly benefited with his colleagues, especially on the concept of identifying and analyzing the causes of conflict and the concept of national dialogue and how to expand the horizons.
Amazigh were present in this session, trainee “Wael Gomaa” from the City of Zwara admired the session and the extent of benefit gained but he believes much more courses needs to be conducted.
This course is the second in two weeks where twenty four from various Libyan cities have graduated at the end of last week. Civil empowerment Project which oversees this session seeks to create leaders in various fields.
It’s worth mentioning that The Libyan program for reintegration and development offers many programs that seek to integrate the program’s participants in different state institutions

One thought on “The Conclusion of a Dialogue Advanced Training Course Under The Supervision of The Libyan Program for Reintegration and Development.”

  1. Axl says:

    hopefully with a project that has been done is able to really create leaders who are able to raise this nation once again become an advanced country and safe

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